A chamada "Guerra contra o terrorismo" voltou a colocar na agenda o debate sobre se a tortura pode ser justificada como propósito de salvar vidas humanas inocentes. Quando há suspeitos de terrorismo envolvidos, até mesmo governos democráticos terão usado ou pelo menos tolerado o uso da tortura.
Este debate centrar-se-à na mudança da natureza da tortura nas sociedades democráticas e nos desafios colocados aos jornalistas que denunciam a tortura e outras violações de Direitos Humanos perante este difícil e muitas vezes perigosos paradigma: Quais são os problemas chave e o que pode ser feito para os enfrentar ?
Este evento integra o projecto Preventing Torture within the Fight against Terrorism, que tem como objectivo promover o respeito pela proibição absoluta contra a tortura e utilização de maus tratos.
- 9:00-9:20 Introduction: Torture and Terrorism post-9/11 2001 Torture and other human rights violations in the context of the so called “War on Terror” Mr Steven Everts, Adviser to Javier Solana, EU High Representative for the CFSP, Council of the European Union
- 9:20-10:10 Panel 1: The changing nature of torture in democratic societies The “outsourcing” of torture and the complicity of European states Mr Carlos Coelho MEP, Chairman of the EP Temporary Committee on the alleged use of European countries by the CIA for the transportation and illegal detention of prisoners (TDIP) Mr Dick Marty Council of Europe, President of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Rapporteur on alleged secret detentions in CoE member states Changing public perceptions of torture - Prof. Geraldine van Bueren, Professor of International Human Rights Law, Queen Mary University of London Implications of the use of torture in the ‘war on terror’ for Rehabilitation Work - Prof. Christian Pross, Council member of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims
- 11:00-11:45 Panel 2: Reporting on torture – persecution and other challenges Mr Hollman Morris, Journalist and Director of CONTRAVIA, Columbia Mr Jørgen Flindt Pedersen, Journalist and Documentarist, Denmark Mr Grigoriy Shvedov, Chief Editor, Caucasian Knot, Russia Mr Wael Abbas, Blogger and Human Rights Activist, Egypt NN, International Federation of Journalists Moderator: Brita Sydhoff, IRCT Secretary General Date and time: 4 April 2008, 9:00-13:30 Venue: European Parliament, Room A5E-2